Sunday Morning May 20, 2017

What a blessed day we were to have in store for us this day, we just did not know it yet.

Mac opened the service asking for prayer requests and Praise reports. Royce was asked to open the service with prayer. The pledges to the flags and Bible were given and we then sang “Come And Dine”

Sunday School classes were then started and there were 4 in the young peoples class this morning. I am not at all sure what they had to study but It was mighty powerful as one of the young ladies in the class decided that today was the day to believe in the saving power of Jesus. We are thankful when anyone is drawn to Christ, but particularly thankful when it is a young person, who hopefully will be able to live a life that is always pleasing to God.

I might also mention that this young lady is planning on being the first to use the new Baptistery that the church now has, and I believe that it will happen next Sunday.

Our adult class was studying 2 Samuel 15 where David is challenged for his kingdom by his own son Absalom. Also it was pointed out how foolish it was for Absalom to think that he could take on his earthly father who had all the power of the Lord of Hosts at his disposal and David was a man not afraid to ask God for help and then follow the plan God put before him. A really good lesson. and I really did try hard to pay attention even though there was this little girl who I was also paying attention to.

We did go over our allowed time in Sunday School which as mentioned is a good thing. After classes were back in we sang “When They Ring The Bells Of Heaven”, “In The Resurrection Morning” and “Inside The Gates”

I am certain that Jesus was with our pastor this morning as he titled his message “Drawn or Driven” and used Ephesians 1:2-4 for his scripture and he pointed out to us that we need to be drawn to Jesus because we are heeding His calling and because he loved us and had our life planned out before the foundations of the world were laid. It was also pointed out that all the shepherds lead their flock and they did not try to drive them as that would never work out for the shepherds. in like manner we do not take to being driven well either.

A really good message that we needed to hear.

The invitational “Power In The Blood” and dismissal by Sharon

We then all or almost all of us retired to the fellowship hall and enjoyed our monthly Sunday Dinner.

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