Prayer Requests

Do you sometimes feel that your prayers go no higher than the ceiling? We feel that ours go straight through to the very throne of GOD; it’s a gift, meant to be shared and we’d like to share it with you along with our fellowship. 


Our hearts are always burdened for those who are unsaved in our community and we pray continually for all to come to know the joy of salvation through Christ our Lord.

We also try to remember our Country’s Leaders and pray that they will have wisdom to lead our Country in the way that the Lord would have it go.

Our Church leaders are also included in the above category.

There are also several members of the church that we are praying for for various reasons. A lot of which are for the salvation of family members.

There are also several people in the area that are battling cancer and need uplifted in prayer.

If you have a request that you would like our church to pray about send an email to