Wednesday Evening

Pastor Gregg started off asking for praise reports and prayer requests, and then led in prayer.

We then sang “Camping In Canaan’s Land”

Kay led the devotion and chose Colossians Chapter 3,  which is a really good chapter on how we should live our lives. Go read it.  There was some good discussion on this chapter.

Pastor Gregg and us then read Psalm 102 It was a good Psalm of David, and we read collectively every other verse.  And Pastor Gregg then talked about this chapter.

We were then dismissed by Royce leading in prayer.


Sunday June 24, 2018

I am going to combine both services today, I may be getting a little lazy but they did kind of go together.

We had our singing this morning with Peggy accompanying on the piano, “Under His Feet”, “Inside The Gate” and “Living By Faith”

Pastor Gregg brought the message from John 18:1-9, Acts 17: 22-27 and Psalms 50:7-8. talking about the transcendent power of God.

God still does have the power to do miracles today just like He has always had. God can still do all those things that men can not explain.

and we closed with “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”.

This evening we opened with prayer from Carla, and then sang “Sweet Hour Of Prayer”, “Hold To Gods Unchanging Hand” and  “That’s Why I Love Him So”.

Oh I forgot this Morning that Peggy and Juanita sang, “When I Take My Vacation In Heaven”. Well they did it again this evening and it sounded just as good as it did in the morning. The recording this morning did not come out as good as it should have so it we requested that they do it over.

Pastor Gregg then brought the message from Genesis 22:12-17 Exodus 17: 8-15, Judges Chapter 6. all of these were talking about things that God instructed people to do. showing his power. The message this evening was talking about how the ancient Israelites worshiped God, the same God that we worship today. How that we today are worshiping One God even though it is in three beings, The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost.

How we today have to come to God only through Jesus our Lord.

Both really good sermons.

We closed the service this evening with “Are You Ready”.


Wednesday June 20, 2018

Pastor Gregg started off asking for prayer requests. and led in prayer.

We then sang “Because He Lives”

Royce had the devotion and chose the title “She needs me”

I was talking about, Zyla actually, and how she needs the love, support, comfort, instruction and understanding of myself and each of the members of the church. But taking it a little bit deeper and including each of the members of the church needing each other for all these same reasons as well as how we are dependent on God for these things in our own lives.

We may not like all the things that are done all the time, but we still need each other and we must learn to understand that just because we might think we would act, say, or do differently we usually do not know all the circumstances involved that have to be dealt with at the time.

It was just one of those services that I seemed to need more than anyone else.

Mac dismissed us in prayer.

Vacation Bible School Week

Ok I missed the first couple of days of VBS, but I finally got to attend on Wednesday and there were about 16 young people present. I was impressed with the amount of work time and effort everyone had put into getting this event to come off and be a success. If you have never helped out in a Vacation Bible School, you really do not know all the behind the scenes work, (Hard Work), that goes into it. Sometimes, I am sure that those that put in all the work would like to spend some of that time relaxing, but when it is all said and done They are going to be there again next year doing it all over again.

Our children in our communities are worth the effort in trying to get them grounded in the Lord before they get led in the wrong direction by the enemy of the Lord.

I did miss Thursday, but Friday was a wonderful time culminating with a Pizza Party at the swimming pool. and swimming after dinner.

There were about 35 people present including parents and children. It was a good time to visit and I have to say that there was almost no issues among the children everyone seemed to get along fine. All the (fights) I saw looked to me like splashing fights that was ringing with laughter.

We really do have a good group of kids to work with and I would like to see the numbers greater next year.


Wednesday May 30, 2018

I really have been a little busy this time it is not slacking, at least too much.

Pastor Gregg opened asking for prayer requests, and asked John H to lead us in prayer.

We sang the “The Old Country Church”

Carla then led the devotion using Galatians chapter 2. This chapter was Paul pointing out to the other disciples that keeping the Jewish Law is no longer a part of the plan of salvation.

Paul was a man of powerful persuasion and could effectively choose the right words to use to get his point of view across to a wide range of audience.

We were then dismissed and opened into our monthly business meeting that was held a week early because of the upcoming Vacation Bible School.



Sunday Evening May 27, 2018

This is me slacking again, and late getting a post on. We had a real Memorial Day party prior to our evening service with hot dogs and all the toppings and watermelon and pies.

Pastor Gregg asked if there were any prayer requests or praise reports and then asked Royce to lead in prayer.

We then sang “The Old Gospel Ship”, “When We All Get To Heaven”and “Inside The Gate”

Our Veterans were asked to stand and were recognized for their service to our country.

John W then sang “Amazing Grace”

John W, Sara, Mac, Carla and Gregg then sang “When They Ring The Bells Of Heaven”

Juanita sang “One Way Flight”

There were then several testimony’s pertaining mostly to remembrances of baptisms  from several of the members in attendance.

And then we Got to use our new Baptistery as we had a young lady present who wished to be baptized.

Sunday Morning May 27, 2018

Mac opened in prayer and we had the pledges to the flags and Bible.

We sang “God On The Mountain” and then dismissed for Sunday School Classes.

After Classes the Coins for Christ offering was taken and we sang “I’ll Fly Away”, “Inside The Gate” and “What A Savior”

Special songs were “Just Any Day Now” by Sharon, “Safe Am I” By John H. and “Mansion Over The Hilltop” by Mack and Sara.

Pastor Gregg then brought the message “Destroying The Power of Death” using the scriptures Hebrews 2:14 and Genesis 3:15.

It really is a loving God who did send his son to die that we may have life eternal.

We were planning on having a baptism this morning but those plans were postponed for a few hours.

Juanita closed us out in prayer.


Sunday Evening May 20, 2018

Our evening was started off with prayer requests and Praise reports, Mac led the prayer service. we then sang “Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand”, “Just Over In Glory-Land”, “When We All Get To Heaven”

Peggy then sang “He Touched Me”

Sharon and Peggy sang “Search The Book Again”

John W sang “Mansion Over The Hill Top”

Mac and Sara sang “Heavens Jubilee”

Pastor Gregg the brought the Message from the Book of Daniel Chapter 3 Verses 1-25. What a well known story of the bravery of “Three Hebrew Children” who braved a horrible death by fire, for refusing to bow down to a god made of gold. It seems that they were well aware that they would die, but with one voice they determined that death in this life would be preferred to being forced to disobey the laws of the Living God. They had faith that the Living God could if he chose save them from the hands of a furious king, and If  he chose to not save them they would still be true to their faith.

I reckon that we need a few more guys like these in our day.

A very good message and may we all take its lessons to heart.

We then sang “Under His Feet” and were dismissed by Sharon (I think) that distracted thing again, she is a cute little girl.

Sunday Morning May 20, 2017

What a blessed day we were to have in store for us this day, we just did not know it yet.

Mac opened the service asking for prayer requests and Praise reports. Royce was asked to open the service with prayer. The pledges to the flags and Bible were given and we then sang “Come And Dine”

Sunday School classes were then started and there were 4 in the young peoples class this morning. I am not at all sure what they had to study but It was mighty powerful as one of the young ladies in the class decided that today was the day to believe in the saving power of Jesus. We are thankful when anyone is drawn to Christ, but particularly thankful when it is a young person, who hopefully will be able to live a life that is always pleasing to God.

I might also mention that this young lady is planning on being the first to use the new Baptistery that the church now has, and I believe that it will happen next Sunday.

Our adult class was studying 2 Samuel 15 where David is challenged for his kingdom by his own son Absalom. Also it was pointed out how foolish it was for Absalom to think that he could take on his earthly father who had all the power of the Lord of Hosts at his disposal and David was a man not afraid to ask God for help and then follow the plan God put before him. A really good lesson. and I really did try hard to pay attention even though there was this little girl who I was also paying attention to.

We did go over our allowed time in Sunday School which as mentioned is a good thing. After classes were back in we sang “When They Ring The Bells Of Heaven”, “In The Resurrection Morning” and “Inside The Gates”

I am certain that Jesus was with our pastor this morning as he titled his message “Drawn or Driven” and used Ephesians 1:2-4 for his scripture and he pointed out to us that we need to be drawn to Jesus because we are heeding His calling and because he loved us and had our life planned out before the foundations of the world were laid. It was also pointed out that all the shepherds lead their flock and they did not try to drive them as that would never work out for the shepherds. in like manner we do not take to being driven well either.

A really good message that we needed to hear.

The invitational “Power In The Blood” and dismissal by Sharon

We then all or almost all of us retired to the fellowship hall and enjoyed our monthly Sunday Dinner.

Wednesday Evening May 17, 2018

Pastor Gregg began by asking for prayer requests and led us in prayer.

We then sang “Living By Faith”

Kay led the devotion which was taken from Psalm 62, a wonderful Psalm about having faith in our Lord. And how if our trust is in Him we can stand and and not be moved.

Pastor Gregg then went on with the Next Psalm and it was discussed for a bit. I have to admit to being a bit distracted by a little girl, who needed me.

Royce then dismissed us in prayer.