We started our evening service with prayer request and included those that weren’t with us. We missed Peggy and Royce and sang without music but in good voice and harmony.
We were pleased to have our visitors and the message was brought from Romans chapter 7. It was asked if we knew what grace looked like. Chapter 7 gives a good analogy also we have been studying about King David who through his triumphs and trials we have an outstanding example and should not be surprised that grace comes only from the LORD even if he chooses to use us as a vessel to manifest his grace. Paul points out that even in times that he overstepped his boundaries grace was there also reassuring us of a constant guide. That’s how God’s children can live in this present world lending a spiritual hand just as JESUS did in his alloted time, his freewill working copletely in conjunction with God’s grace amidst a World and religion that wasn’t. In this present world, and even in Pauls time, we have only one hope and trust and that is in the one that succeeded. He can show us the way because he is the way the truth and that glorius light!